Tuesday 12 April 2011

Another beauty tips : What VASELINE can do?

Okay so there's a lot of thing you can do with your Vaseline, but here are some tips i got from the net and some of it i do use it with this vaseline. Here are the beauty tips of what you can do with your VASELINE:

  1. It can be an  eye makeup remover or even a make up remover.
  2. Help your lashes grow longer and thicker - just apply it at your eyelashes maybe every week before you sleep.
  3. Nail polish trick - apply around your nail not on your nail or urm is it call cuticle? this will make it easier to wipe off if you do any mistakes.
  4. Soften your elbow and knee - use it everyday to make em soft, use it everyday before you go to sleep.
  5. Make lips look larger - well i never tried this before but you apply it at the bottom of your lower lips.
  6. Tame your eyebrow - apply just a little on your eyebrow.
  7. Lip balm or lip moisturizer - wear it every night before sleep, helps to overcome dry lips! Yeay!!
  8. Make perfume stay longer - i'll try it later, apply it first at where you will spray your perfume then spray your perfume on top of it, juz apply a little of this vaseline yaa!
  9. Acne moisturizer - not sure bout this, never try it, ahaaaa
  10. Scrub - juz mix it with sugar or salt
  11. Cream makeup - its either blush or eyeshadow, if blush juz mix it with your lipstick and voilĂ ...
  12. Hide hair dry ends - apply tiny amount of it.
  13. Lips scrub - apply it on your lips, then live  it for few minutes, next you scrub it gently with a toothbrush and rinse it off, voilĂ  smooth soft lips.
this is just some example of what you can do and what i have done with my vaseline, there are probably more things can be done, maybe you can share it with me ^_^

Saturday 2 April 2011

Mr & Mrs weird

Ade ape dengan Weird?

Kali ni saje nak cerita pasal kami..... siapa kami?? tu Weird couple tu.....
Weird Couple ^_^
Tak tahu la mane sebenarnye asal usul pekataan pelik tu tapi yang pasti, itulah kami..... Well, it's all started with CRUSH.... Memang terima kasih la bnyak2 David Archuletta, your song has been officially selected to be our love song! Hahaha, sesuke hati je kan, tapi disitulah titik permulaannya....

Dari lagu itulah dia propose, lagu itu la banyak menceritakan tentang kami mase mula2 dulu laaa, bila ingat balik tesipu2 malu la... heeeeee... 

Pejam celik pejam celik da nak dekat 3 tahun kot kami bersama officially, banyak suka duka dah kami lalui bersama.... Jaoh lagi perjalanan kami berdua ni.... harap2 sampai ke akhir hayat Insyaallah ^_^

Ape lagi nak cerita eh, xpandai la nak cerita2 ni, x cukop jiwang, tapi nak sampaikan sesuatu kepada mr.pelik,

 This girl will always, forever and ever
Weird girl
LOVE you!! 
Thanks for being there for me ^_^

Peace Out..


Yeah, banyak da bende yang berlaku, tapi baru sekarang baru nk tulis, sblom2 ni xda mood nak menulis...

So i got this text message from a friend saying that he had post somthing for me... tngu la dalam 2-3 hari, x cited gak la kan ade org nak pos barang....

So pada hari kejadian, yeah cek2 kat peti surat tu, ade ketas kuning!! g la amek kan...
Dapat2 tu, peh rase xcited gile, Kotak besar kot, biase dapat sampul surat je ni dapat kotak, xpenah2 dapat kot mmg gembira la...

Pabila sampai ke bilik, rilek2 dulu konon2 cam x excited la nk bkak kan, pastu xtahan lame pon teros bukak je...
And sungguh gembira setelah melihat hadiah itu, peh, hadiah belated bufday, jaoh tu dari FRANCE~~ kotak dia la, hadiah tu dr langkawi je... hahaha... memmang sesuai la untuk musim2 tension ni, n bole mencomel kan diri ku yang sudah comel ni.... rase2nye ape hadiah tu?? haaaaa teka2....

Nyum2 ^_^
So terima kasih la ye sender! I really appreciate it ^_^ best woo, da nak dekat sparoh da... Hahahhaa.... Nak sket??

Peace out ^_^


Dalam mengaharungi liku2 stress ku, tetibe terkenangkan seseorang, si dia, nun jaoh... Xla jaoh mane pon tapi jaoh la jugak, kene naik kreta kot baru ley jmpe, tu pon amek mase 5 jam! kalo jalan kaki bapa hari la agaknye kan??

Kesian kat my dear MR.PELIK, setiap kali aku stress, mesti dia yang jadi mcm punch bag, tapi dia redha je dengar ak pok pek pok pek kat dia.... Da la kne dgar ak pok pek pok pek, pastu siap tlg cari kan solution, oh sayang nye saya kat MR.PELIK saya!!!

Dan sekarang, sedang merindui nya, mr.pelik, bila nak jmpe ni, rindu sudaaa... 

                                             Nak tengok wayang lagi ngan MR.PELIK!

Peace out ^_^

April 2011?? Ada apa dengan april??

Ouhh april, kenapa la ngan april??
Eh2, da lame x tulis2 ni, tetibe rase nak tulis balik sebab ape?
Ye sebab STRESS!! Hahahha

Pada permulaan sem, hidopku sungguh indah tenang gembira ( xla sangat pon) tapi kire ok la dari APRIL....

Lagi last2 ni lagi la macam2 nak kne wat,
Seminar PSM
Projek ni
Projek tu

Aghhhhh~~ setiap mingu setiap hari, ok2 xla setiap hari kot, tapi kenape semua kne dalam bulan yang samee???

Kenapa masa bulan januari? februari? mac? xnak lak sume2 ni?

Mengapa diriku lalui semua ini?? ohhhhhh~~

Peace out ^_^